Let's Try Sahur Menu Khas Iran

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 Let's Try Sahur Menu Khas Iran
Bored with the usual meal menu? Or confused should prepare a dish for a family meal what else? Try to be creative to create a special dish typical of Iran: Ash-e-Jow.

Ash-e-Jow is a fiber-rich vegetable soup made ​​from barley and mild spices. Regarded as a healthy and nutritious food because barley contains high-carb, a number of important nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and low levels of vitamin B.

The book 'The Art of Cookery in the Middle Ages' published by Boydell Press, said that many chefs recommend reliable barley as the food choices that are good for digestion in addition to rice. Barley is one of the five kinds of cereal in the world.

For the sake of enriching the dictionary your prescriptions in the month of Ramadan, healthy meal try a typical dish racik Iran. Consider the following recipe, as quoted from

Sobya, Beverages Favorites Ramadan in Mecca

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Mark Ramadan with a typical dish. Distinctive tradition of this kind not infrequently lead to business people to cheating. One of them recorded in the sales story sobia not meet health standards in the Al-Shouqiya, Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Sobia is a traditional beverage blended from raisins, wheat and yeast or dry bread. There are three types of release that is a favorite thirst when breaking the fast: sobia red, white sobia, and sobia raisins.

Sobia red, made ​​from grain, flour, cardamom, cinnamon and crusty bread. Sobia white similar to the red, the difference is only in terms of color with the addition rasperry. While sobia raisins come from Yemen by adding cinnamon and cardamom ..

During Ramadan, one liter liter sobia along the market sold for 6-12 dinars depending on its type. Sobia raisin is the most expensive among the three types sobia.

Local city government has deployed special forces to uncover sales sobia contaminated. "We have tightened control over the sale of counterfeit sobia by expatriates," he said, as quoted by Arab News.

Supervision is done after officers arrested a bunch eskpatriat who was preparing the drink with ingredients and equipment that are not hygienic. The officer then confiscated 6,000 liters sobia that do not meet health standards, along with the materials of

Delicious Jemunak for Buka Puasa

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There are a variety of typical food menu specifically sold only during Ramadan, one of which is Jemunak. Takjil can be obtained in the district of Magelang, Central Java - precisely in the Village of Mount Pring, located in District Muntilan.

Since the first day of fasting, the surrounding community immediately attacked the food. That's because, Jemunak has become a hereditary dish during Ramadan. One seller, Winarni, said if Jemunak not found in other areas, because it only sold in this village.

"Jemunak indeed authentic food menu here. Is selling even small amounts, "he said when met VIVAnews.com Winarni in place to sell in Bintaro, Mount Pring, Muntilan, Magelang.

He also explains what the raw materials to make Jemunak, which is quite simple. Ie glutinous rice and cassava. Every day, Winarni need 1 pound glutinous rice and cassava around 3 kilograms.

Then, how to make it, both ingredients ditanak for 1.5 hours. Once cooked, then pounded with lumpah ingredients until smooth textured. As a complement to existing or kincau sugar solution, made ​​of sugar boiled in water.

Brown sugar which takes about 2.5 pounds and boil with enough water. Once melted, then dilumeri above kincau Jemunak previously sprinkled with grated coconut.

"Jemunak served with grated coconut and sprinkled dilumeri kincau. It was a mix of savory and sweet, "said Winarni.

Prices are pretty cheap Jemunak portion, up to Rp 2,000 Rp 1,000 per pack. Winarni admitted jemunaknya merchandise can be sold out in just over an hour. "Normally open at 16.00, but about an hour gone. In fact, many buyers do not miss out, "said Winarni

How To Reduce Mouth Odor while Fasting

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 How To Reduce Mouth Odor while Fasting

Bad breath during fasting sometimes very disturbing activities. Especially for people who have contact with lots of activity. Communication becomes hampered due to lack confidence.
According to Prof. Dr. H. Eky s. Soeria Soemantri, drg. Sp. Ortho, Chairman of the Association of Faculty of Dentistry, Indonesia (AFDOKGI), bad breath during fasting is a natural thing in the mouth because there are many bacteria that can turn leftover food into the sulfur gases that cause bad breath.
If not fasting, your mouth will be to produce saliva when you're eating. Saliva plays to kill the bacteria. Meanwhile, when the fasting breath more quiet so that saliva production is reduced. As a result, the bacteria multiply so quickly that the odor appears.
Not only that, he says, the cause of bad breath is also caused by the presence of plaque on teeth. "Plaque on the teeth consisting of 2 which are hard and soft plaque. Plaque is a bacterial growth medium because it consists of a layer of leftover food, mucus, saliva, and the cells that die epital," he said when met at the sidelines of the inauguration Month National Dental Health, Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta.
In addition, the cause of bad breath can also come from within the body, such as those experienced by people with diabetes or ulcers.
To overcome this, there are several ways you can do, such as:
1. Avoid foods that are smelly like petai, durian, or onions.
2. Keep oral hygiene by regularly brushing your teeth after a meal and before bed at night.
3. Avoid smoking and alcohol can trigger a worsening of periodontitis and gingivitis oral hygiene. In addition, alcohol can reduce the production of saliva, which resulted in more rapid development of bacteria.
4. Drink plenty of water when the dawn and break the fast to maintain water balance in the body.
5. Consumption of fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and yam.
6. Food consumption of probiotics for digestive health and help prevent bad breath.
7. Consumption of cheese because the cheese is rich in calcium, low in carbohydrates, and contain phosphates that is beneficial to increase saliva production, and reduce the growth of tartar.
8. Do not overuse mouthwash. "Could use mouthwash but do not often, perhaps only at night," said drg. Eky. In the mouth there are bad bacteria and good bacteria that must be kept in balance.
9. Consumption of spices such as coriander, mint, tarragon, eucalyptus, rosemary and cardamom are very good for fighting bad breath.
10. Consumption of vitamin C such as berries, oranges, and melons because it can create an inhospitable environment for bacterial growth. Get your vitamin C from fruits and other foods, not from supplements, because the supplements actually aggravate bad breath.
According to drg.
Eky, the habit of the Indonesian people to break the fast with sweet food is fine, as long as oral hygiene is always maintained.

How To Reduce Mouth Odor while Fasting

TBs Modern Free Mall

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Park reading became one of the media to foster interest in reading among the public. With attractive packaging, Dewi Hughes International Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Education tried to make it through the launch of 'Learning Lounge'.
There are already 13 'Learning Lounge' which has been standing in shopping centers or malls in cities such as Binjai, Medan, Jakarta, Depok and Jakarta.
Mal deliberately chosen because it is a gathering place for young children. By carrying out a modern concept, and a variety of books, learning centers were believed to be a place for young people to get together and do something positive.
For the sake of enticing more young people, park management foundations of modern literature it took Coca-Cola company to beautify Learning Lounge on the 3rd floor of Plaza Semanggi, Jakarta. "We hope this place can increase the reading interest of young, hanging out initially kept reading," said Dewi Hughes after inaugurating Learning Lounge Plaza Semanggi, South Jakarta, Tuesday, August 16, 2011.
The inauguration was attended by Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent, Deputy Minister of National Education Fasli Djalal and Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Alvitra Regards.
Learning Lounge presented as a place of comfort, and is open to converge. Free place is also a library that provides at least 2,000 books. "This idea arose because I used to have around Indonesia, and many people in the areas that still can not read," he said.
Parks modern reading device is equipped with IT facilities and wireless internet connection to support access to relevant information for young people. "There are four champion of the younger generation who will help provide information on their respective fields," said Hughes.
The four champions are banner Pragiwaksono, Yoris Sebastian, Alanda Kariza and Billy Boen. "Every month, I will hold political discussions of young people here, that used to be I do not have a place for things like that," said the banner.